Gimme a Break is a non-profit 501(c)3
organization whose mission is to care for caregivers by giving an emotional and
physical break as well as resources for continued well-being.
Gimme a Break is based on caring for
the caregivers to provide support, resources, and outreach to promote self-care
and survival! We are all Caregivers, we either were, are or will be! Caregivers
deserve support and we support Caregiver’s to dreams again!
50% of Caregiver pass before their
Caree! We help Caregivers to survive and thrive!
Gimme A Break is committed is to
become a Worldwide Organization offering support, education, and rejuvenation
for Caregivers. We will continue to grow and work hard to create a safe place
for Caregivers with the aim of opening Chapters locally, nationally, and
globally and then building retreats in order to educate and rejuvenate those
who feel they are forgotten. We do what we do, for Caregivers!